Safe Refuge

Special Needs Shelter

The Carteret County Emergency Management office collects information which is entered into a database for those with special needs and disabilities. Medical professionals then prioritize those who can utilize:

  • Other private resources (family, friends)
  • A Public Shelter
  • The Special Needs Shelter
  • Long term facility shelters
  • The Hospital (requiring acute care)

The Special Needs Shelter is for people who’re usually cared for at home but have special medical needs during a disaster. Individuals must bring a caregiver with them to the shelter. Additionally, individuals must bring all their medications, any special diet foods and all medical equipment (nebulizer, oxygen, etc.).

The Special Needs Shelter will open after the official announcement of a Hurricane Watch by the Carteret Co. Emergency Management Director. It will close immediately following the hurricane.

Public Shelters

These shelters are for residents whose homes are physically threatened by storm winds and/or water. There’s no smoking allowed inside the shelters, so oxygen use is safe. There’s also intermittent power available by generators.

Disaster Help

Do you have a medical condition that may require you to receive assistance during a disaster? Do you need transportation assistance to evacuate to a shelter?

If so, you should fill out this voluntary form to get the help you need during disaster.