Glucose Tolerance


The physician's office will schedule your test for 7am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. At the hospital, go to Patient Registration at the 35th Street entrance to register.


Before Test

  1. Maintain normal activity and eating habits for three days prior to testing unless otherwise instructed by your physician
  2. Discontinue as many medications as your doctor allows for three days prior to testing
  3. You must NOT EAT OR DRINK anything (except small amounts of water) for at least 10 hours before your test
  4. No alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours prior to testing
  5. You should bring a book to read or another quiet activity to occupy your time during the procedure. A 3HR Tolerance Test will take approximately four hours; a 4HR test, five hours; a 5HR test, six hours, etc.

During Testing

  1. No smoking, gum chewing, eating or drinking
  2. You may walk around during the intervals between specimen collection, but no strenuous activity. We cannot allow you to leave the hospital grounds
  3. A urine specimen may be needed with each blood specimen collection
  4. Usually, there are no side effects, but if you experience any lightheadedness, nausea, etc., these should be reported to the lab staff

What Will Happen:

Soon after arrival at the laboratory, you will have a blood sample drawn for your baseline test (and a urine specimen collected if necessary). Once the blood test is ran (approximately 20 minutes), you will be given a sweet drink (glucose solution). Blood (and urine) will then be collected at half-hour, one hour, two hours, etc., for the designated number of hours your tolerance test is scheduled. Normal activity may be resumed when testing is completed.