Margaret Gilmour, RN Earns Nursing Excellence Award

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Margaret Gilmour, RN of Carteret Health Care’s Emergency Department was awarded the 2021 Annual Lewis and Clapsadl Award during National Nurses Week. Named in honor of Georgia Lewis, RN, and Mildred Clapsadl, RN the award recognizes the impact and importance of nursing on patient care and our community’s health.

During a called meeting in the Meditation Garden, Patti Hudson, VP Patient Care Services presented the award to Ms. Gilmour in front of her clinical peers, co-workers, family members and administration.

Patti Hudson shared, “Margaret was selected because she exemplifies the highest level of commitment, clinical practice and leadership in the delivery of patient care. Her peers and co-workers shared a long list of compelling reasons why Margaret should be honored with this Nursing Excellence Award.”

Ms. Gilmour was one of many nominated from over 300 nurses at Carteret Health Care.

One nomination shared, “Margaret is a great team leader. She jumps into help everyone and is always pleasant and happy to help. She is a joy to work with and a true blessing to have as a coworker at Carteret Health Care.”

Another nomination stated that “She cares for every patient she treats. Since Margaret became a charge nurse, all of her best attributes have been magnified. She is a wonderful example of what a nurse should be.”

A team member shared, “Margaret is what I would describe as the “total package”. She is very compassionate as well as a strong leader. She has the unique ability to make a difficult task appear easy. She is very open minded and approachable when one needs to express concerns. She is not just an advocate for patients but her coworkers as well. She is one of the first to jump in and get her hands dirty when things get hectic in our department. Even though she is a “charge” nurse, she is always a nurse first and foremost. She is always an excellent recourse for information and has a vast knowledge of hospital policies and procedures. She is an excellent preceptor and educator. As I said, she is the total package.”

As a recipient of the Lewis and Clapsadl Annual Nursing Excellence Award, Ms. Gilmour will receive $1,500 towards a national nursing convention or education of her choice and $200 cash. She will also be challenged to continue to display excellence in nursing, act as a role model for nursing at Carteret Health Care, and serve on the Recognition Committee for one year.

Carteret Health Care recognizes nursing excellence once per year during National Nurses’ Week for the Lewis and Clapsadl Award. The Lewis and Clapsadl Annual Nursing Excellence Award is open to all clinical RNs and LPNs at Carteret Health Care who have a minimum of three consecutive years of experience as a nurse and have worked for Carteret Health Care for one year.

Nominations for Excellence Awards may be submitted by letter to Hospital Administration describing how the individual demonstrates excellence in nursing or professionalism and are due by April 1 of each year.

This award honors two great CHC nurses, Georgia Lewis and Mildred Clapsadl. Georgia Lewis worked in the Emergency Room, Medical, Surgical and Obstetrics. She retired March 1991 as a house supervisor. She served as a mentor for all members of the clinical team and portrayed nursing excellence her entire career.

Mildred Clapsadl was promoted to Director of Nursing and remained in this capacity until 1976. She served in many roles assisting in all patient care areas and retired December 1988. Her passion for nursing and excellence shined through every day throughout the hospital.