Carteret Health Care Foundation Received a Grant from the Carteret County Community Foundation

MOREHEAD CITY, NC – On February 21, 2021, the Carteret Health Care Foundation was
awarded a grant in the amount of $2,500 from the Carteret County Unrestricted Endowment, a
component of the North Carolina Community Foundation.

This grant was designated to help launch Carteret Health Care’s Covid-19 Virtual Clinic. Since
Carteret Health Care began the pilot program in February, eight patients diagnosed with Covid-
19 have benefited from telemedicine appointments and monitoring to reduce hospitalizations
and shorten the duration of the illness.

The Virtual Clinic provides each patient with supplies to monitor their temperature, oxygen
levels, blood pressure and pulse from the safety of their own home. The grant will go towards
purchase of the equipment that will be given to each patient so that quarantine and care can
occur simultaneously. This allows the clinic’s staff to manage the patient’s symptoms while the
patients remain in the comfort of their home and reduce their opportunities to expose others.
“We are excited to receive this grant for our program,” stated Joel E. Schneider, MD, FACC of
Carteret Medical Group and program leader. “The model offers a community approach to
reduce viral exposure, assist an over-burdened health care system, as well as monitor a
patient’s status which can change day to day and negate the need for emergency room visits or hospitalizations. We are thankful to the Carteret County Community Foundation for
recognizing the impact it will have on our community.”
For the Covid Virtual Care Clinic, call 252-499-5602 anytime between 8:00AM and 5:00PM,
Monday through Friday for more information.