Heather Davis Recognized as Certified Nurse Assistant Award Winner

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Heather Davis, CNA, of Carteret Health Care’s Medical Surgical Unit was honored with the Certified Nursing Assistant Excellence Award on June 18th. Ms. Davis has been employed with Carteret Health Care since August 2007.

Patti Hudson, Vice President Patient Care Services, presented the Nursing Assistant Excellence Award to Ms. Davis in front of her clinical peers and administration during a called meeting that evolved into a celebration of Ms. Davis. After the announcement, Ms. Davis’s family surprised her by joining in the recognition event.

The CNA Excellence Award recognizes the special impact and importance of CNAs on patient care and the community’s health. Successful CNAs are those individuals who are compassionate, caring, flexible, professional and understand that each individual in their care has unique needs and personalities.

Ms. Davis’s peers nominated her by sharing many praises like "she makes positive changes every day and is deserving of this award." A few others said, "she is an irreplaceable asset to the hospital." "Heather comes to work with a fabulous attitude. She is a phenomenal employee and is seen as a go to resource to all of us."

Another nomination from a peer described Ms. Davis in helping patients by explaining things to her patients in a way they understand, and she is known to hold their hands when they are upset and to console and help family members when they are concerned.

“She is frequently recognized in Navigating to Excellence meetings almost every single month for all the help and support she provides her team,” shared another co-worker. “She does not enjoy the spotlight, but she makes positive changes every day and should be recognized.”

The CNA of the Year recognition was established to honor local Certified Nurse Assistants for their many contributions to the care and health of Carteret’s patients. Ms. Davis was nominated by her co-workers, patients and physicians who wanted to recognize her for her superior patient service, cheerful demeanor and dedication to the hospital and her team.

As a recipient of the Certified Nursing Excellence Award, Ms. Davis receives an expense paid trip to a CNA convention of her choice and $200 cash. She will also be challenged to continue to display excellence in caring and be a role model at Carteret Health Care.

The CNA Excellence Award was open to all CNAs at Carteret Health Care. Nominations for Excellence Awards may be submitted by letter describing how the individual demonstrates excellence in nursing and are due 30 days prior to the announced presentation date.