April Husenita, RN Receives 2019 Nursing Excellence Award

April Husenita, RN of Carteret Health Care’s Cancer Center received the Lewis Excellence Award during National Nurses Week. Named in honor of Georgia Lewis, RN, the award recognizes the special impact and importance of nursing on patient care and our community’s health.

Ms. Husenita was one of many individuals nominated from hundreds of nurses at Carteret Health. She received several nominations from her co-workers who wanted to recognize her for her dedicated patient service and commitment to the hospital.

Pat Ausband, Vice President Patient Care Services, presented the Nursing Excellence Award to Ms. Husenita in front of hospital administration, her clinical peers and her family during a called surprise meeting. Mr. Ausband congratulated Ms. Husenita and shared that he had the pleasure of working with Ms. Georgia Lewis.

“Ms. Lewis commanded respect and admiration throughout the hospital when she worked and those same traits are inherent in Ms. Husenita,” stated Ausband. “She was selected because she is an expert clinical nurse who is a true model leading the way in excellence of care. Ms. Husenita inspires us and sets the example for all nursing staff just as Ms. Lewis did.”

Nominations for Ms. Husenita were filled with comments that she is an outstanding nurse who demonstrates her kind and caring ways on a daily basis with patients. She is a team player and always willing to help others even when her plate is overflowing. She is easy to come to for advice and is very receptive to helping others.
Over the past few years, she has truly taken the lead in our department. She is very knowledgeable when it comes to side effects from radiation and is very helpful to our patients, who trust and respect her.

Other nominations noted similar comments such as Ms. Husenita works hard, not only in our hospital, but outside, in her spare time as well. After working 40 plus hours a week, she still finds time to volunteer at Broad Street Clinic on her time off. Her dedication to our community, patients and others is truly something that everyone should aspire for. She truly deserves the award.

Ms. Husenita has been a Carteret Health Care team member since February 2014 where she started in the Nurse Resource pool. She then transitioned into the Critical Care Unit followed by moving into her current area in the Cancer Center.

The Professional Excellence Council at Carteret Health Care facilitated the nominations and selection process for the Georgia Lewis Nursing Excellence Award. The Council is made up of staff nurses and nursing leaders from each of the nursing departments. This group promotes professional certification and advanced education.

As a recipient of the Nursing Excellence Award, Ms. Husenita receives an expense paid trip to a national nursing convention of her choice and $200 cash. She will also be challenged to continue to display excellence in nursing and be a role model for nursing at Carteret Health.

The Lewis Award is named in honor of Miss Georgia Lewis who was a staff nurse at the original, downtown Morehead City Hospital. She worked in all patient care areas including the Emergency Room, Medical, Surgical, and Obstetrics – her special love. When Carteret General, the former name of Carteret Health Care, opened its doors in 1967, Miss Georgia was a member of the original hospital staff. Her diverse skills were continually used in multiple areas of the Hospital, but she expanded her critical thinking skills in the house supervisor role, a position she held until her retirement in March 1991. She served as a mentor for staff, peers, and physicians – always proud to represent the Department of Nursing.

Carteret Health Care recognizes nursing excellence twice per year in October for the Mildred Clapsadl Award and May for the Georgia Lewis Award. The Clapsadl & Lewis Nursing Excellence Awards are open to all clinical RNs and LPNs at Carteret Health Care who have a minimum of three consecutive years of employment at Carteret Health and a minimum of 1000 hours worked each of these years.

Nominations for Excellence Awards may be submitted by letter describing how the individual demonstrates excellence in nursing and are due 30 days prior to the announced presentation date.