RapidArc™ Radiotherapy Technology Now Available for Carteret Cancer Patients

One of Carteret Health Care's recent, noteworthy advancements is the addition of RapidArc™ radiotherapy technology, a new form of image-guided, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Image guidance better targets the tumor, and IMRT shapes the radiation dose so that it conforms closely to the three-dimensional shape of the tumor. This means more dose to the tumor, and less to surrounding healthy tissue.

“Our patients deserve the best care options and investments in services such as leading-edge technology like the LOCalizer and Rapid Arc. These are prime examples of our commitment to our patients,” said Dr. Kyle Rusthoven, Radiation Oncologist, CHC Cancer Center. “Investments like these further establish the capabilities of the full-service cancer program at Carteret Health Care and ensure our patients have direct access to the most innovative technology anywhere.”

RapidArc is an extremely fast and precise form of radiation therapy. It allows clinicians to quickly and accurately deliver dose to cancer cells while keeping the dose to surrounding tissues as low as possible. Faster treatments are not only more comfortable, they may also be more accurate. Since a patient will spend less time holding still, it will be easier to avoid involuntary movements that could compromise the accuracy of the treatment. RapidArc delivers treatments two to eight times faster than earlier forms of radiotherapy.

Luis Cuervo, MD, Medical Oncologist, CHC Cancer Center stated, “As advancements continue to be made in cancer detection and treatment, we’re focused on offering the innovative tools that create the best experience for patients who are navigating the complex logistics of cancer services.”

Carteret Health Care is a 135-bed, not-for-profit community hospital serving eastern North Carolina. The Cancer Center provides an outstanding comprehensive range of medical and radiation oncology services to meet the needs of cancer patients and their caregivers close to family, friends and home.