Cancer Survivors Enjoy Boat Cruise

Laughter, hugs and smiles were all around during Carteret Health Care’s second Cancer Survivor Celebration. Over a hundred local cancer survivors and caregivers celebrated strength, bravery and determination on Sunday, June 9 on the Carolina Princess. The Cancer Center at Carteret Health Care hosted the coastal cruise celebration on National Cancer Survivors’ Day.

Sherry King, Cancer Center Director said, “For me, this was one of the most rewarding events I have participated in for cancer patients. It was so special to spend real time with some of our patients and see how they are doing during their own journeys. This was an amazing opportunity for me and the entire Cancer Center team to celebrate life beyond treatment.”

A special guest speaker Nicole McGinnis shared her inspirational story and commitment to not giving up, ever. Ms. McGinnis explained how her family has learned to use humor as a way of easing the burden of cancer diagnosis and treatment. “Although we all may need to shed a tear from time to time, we can’t forget to laugh through those tears and be thankful for each day we have as a survivor.”

Dr. Luis Cuervo, Medical Oncologist noted how wonderful it was to see some of his very own patients moving past treatment into survivorship and living life to its fullest!

Also attending were Spirit of Hope volunteers. This local group of cancer survivors give back year round by helping others going through their own cancer journey. Spirit of Hope members have been instrumental in both CHC survivor celebrations through volunteering and assisting with coordinating and planning the events.

To be invited to future cancer survivor celebrations or learn more about the support programs of Carteret Health Care’s Cancer Center, call (252) 499-6642.