We Are the First NC Hospital to Use Infant Footprint Safety Scan

Carteret Health Care is the first hospital in North Carolina to initiate a new and innovative Infant Safety System to enhance the level of safety for newborns. Developed by CertaScan Technologies, the recently installed proprietary system in the Brady Birthing Center allows the hospital and staff to capture high resolution newborn footprints which is an added assurance of the newborn's safety even once the baby goes home.

Dr. Sheli Garrett-Albaugh shared, “Our care team is always focused on a newborn’s health and well-being while here in the Birthing Center and this new technology is an added measure that will reinforce the baby’s safety for a lifetime.”

This will provide more precise and timely identification should an emergency situation such as abduction, missing child, or natural disaster occur.

The Newborn Safety System — which uses LiveScan Technology — has garnered the attention and praise from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and has been included as a recommendation for hospitals in its most recent Infant Security Guidelines.

Robin Mobley, Clinical Director Maternal Child Health stated, “Our team is excited to offer this new service to our families and another layer of protection of security for our newborns.”

The system is entirely safe for use on babies and provides outstanding footprint quality. The digital foot prints and security photo are stored efficiently in the newborn’s electronic medical record. Foot prints are biometric, unique to each baby, so they can be used for identification throughout a lifetime.

Brady Birthing Center families will receive an attractive certificate with the baby’s footprint as a gift from Carteret Health Care’s Brady Birthing Center. Families will also have access online at www.firstfootprint.com to enhance the certificate with colors, different fonts and borders that can be downloaded within the first year.

Dr. Garrett concluded, “The CertaScan is another example of how Carteret Health Care continuously raises the standard of care for our patients."