Dr. Katharine Moorhead, Pediatrician is 2017 Physician of the Year

Katharine Moorehead, MD has been selected as the 2017 Physician of the Year at Carteret Health Care. She was honored during a celebration on Thursday, March 30th at the Celebration Cottage, during a gathering and recognition of all physicians on National Doctors Day.

Dr. Donald Pocock, Vice President of Medical Affairs shared, “Dr. Moorehead is a champion for children’s health and is a shining example of how all patients should be treated. She not only cares for our younger patients and their families, she also puts her soul into insuring they receive the best care no matter the hour or time needed.”

After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Architecture, she worked as a graphic designer for magazines, newspapers and publishing houses for 15 years in New York City. Dr. Moorehead left her job in New York City to pursue her dream of becoming a physician. She earned her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and completed her residency in pediatrics at NYU Medical Center Bellevue. She accepted a pediatric position in Maine at Miles Health Care where she practiced for seven years. Dr. Moorehead was exploring other opportunities when Dr. Knelson interviewed her to join him in his then solo practice, Carteret Clinic for Adolescents and Children. Dr. Moorehead was charmed by our coastal area and our community hospital; when Dr. Knelson’s practice manager took her and her family on a boat ride to Shackleford banks, the deal was sealed! Dr. Moorehead treasures the mentorship and knowledge Dr. Knelson shared with her prior to his unplanned early retirement due to illness.

Dr. Moorehead is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and continues to work at Carteret Clinic for Adolescents and Children. She lives in Morehead City with her husband, Ted, their son Sen, and their dog Willie. When she is not working, she enjoys knitting, family time, and going to Sen’s basketball and baseball games.

Those who nominated Dr. Moorehead shared her positive attitude, compassionate focus on the patient’s health and dedication to doing whatever is needed for the safety of patients. The smile on her face and her caring, peaceful manner combined with the love of her patients make Carteret Health Care the best place to seek hospital care for newborns and pediatric care. Other comments showing how Dr. Moorehead provides top notch care and always puts children’s health first include:

  • Parents are constantly commenting on what amazing bedside manner she has and that they feel at ease knowing she is caring for their children. She never has a time limit when rounding on her patients.
  • Dr. Moorehead has stayed overnight after admitting a sick child that she was especially worried. She wanted to be available for the patient and staff at a moment’s notice so she made that very clear by staying at the hospital even though she lives close by. She never hesitates to do what she feels is right for her patients.
  • She is very hands on and concerned for her patients and is always willing to give 200% when teaching and caring for her patients.
  • When assessing newborns she is very aware that mothers are exhausted. Even if it is not convenient for her, she will rearrange her schedule to come at a time that is good for the mother.
  • She recently stayed at the bedside of a very sick pediatric patient for hours, until the child was stable. After the child was deemed stable, she went home to shower and then returned to sleep in another room, so she could be close by.
  • Dr Moorehead has earned respect and gratitude of those for whom and with whom she serves. She is available every second. She is so dependable and reliable.
  • She is fun to be around and loves to share her knowledge teaching the staff at the hospital and the family members.
  • You will find Dr. Moorehead at the hospital at ALL times of the day or night. She has been known to come back in the middle of the night to review patient results and chart because she wanted to investigate more. She has shown many times that her mind does not turn off when she leaves the hospital or office at the end of the day.
  • Dr. Moorehead will work side by side with the nursing staff to develop effective plans to efficiently take care of our patients. She rounds twice a day, stays when needed and when there is a critical patient situation, she has a calming effect on the patient, the parents and the staff.

Pocock concludes, “Her caring, selfless manner is an inspiration to all of us. She is very deserving of this honor and we appreciate her dedication to the children and families in Carteret County.”