Breast Health Spotlighted During October

Carteret Health Care Spotlights Breast Health During October

In October, Carteret Health Care is putting the spotlight on Breast Health by lighting the exterior of the Medical Center in pink. This is a visual reminder for women and men that all cancer screenings can save your life.

The lights were based on a recommendation by the hospital’s breast cancer surgeon, Dr. Mindy Merritt.

Though breast cancer can occur in both men and women, breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point.

The good news is that many women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early.

  • If you are a woman age 40 to 49, talk with your doctor about when to start getting mammograms and how often to get them.
  • If you are a woman age 50 to 74, be sure to get a mammogram every year.

You may also choose to get them more often.

Talk to a doctor about your risk for breast cancer, especially if a close family member of yours has had breast or ovarian cancer. Your doctor can help you decide when and how often to get mammograms.

“More than just pink editions of newspapers and pink socks on the football field and lighting the hospital pink, cancer screenings should be a regular routine for people throughout the year” says Dr. Jim Loynes, Medical Oncologist. “Cancer screenings work and can find cancer early. This is important when the survival rate approaches 100 percent for some cancers like breast cancer.”

Carteret Health Care is proud to participate in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a variety of other community centered activities.

Other notable oncology happenings in October include:

  • On October 24, Carteret Health Care Cancer Center and the Carteret County Health Department will offer free Breast Cancer Screening examinations. Please call 499-6200 for an appointment.
  • On October 29, the Carteret Health Care Cancer Center is hosting an Open House and Guided Walking Tours of the new Cancer Center. You can meet the expert staff of radiation and medical oncologists, surgeons, nurse navigator and more. While October is breast cancer awareness month, this event is for all types of cancer and prevention as well as treatment including clinical trials. Tours held from 5:30pm until 7:00pm.
  • Through our partnership with UNC Lineberger, on Friday, October 30 at 11:30am Carteret Health Care offers a free Lunch and Learn educational opportunity. The title for October is “Finding Meaning when Faced with Difficult Situations” presented by Theresa Raphael-Grimm PhD, CNS of UNC. Call 499-6200 to register.

Look for more details on these events and more information throughout the month or visit