Sleep Disorders Center

Accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

Recognizing the need for sleep services in our county, Carteret Health Care opened a Sleep Disorders Center. The lab consists of 4-bedroom suites for performing a broad range of sleep related services. Patients arrive just in time of their normal bedtime and are watched closely throughout the night. A camera records the patient's activity and electrodes monitor a patient's brainwaves and cardiovascular output during the night. These findings are analyzed to help determine the cause of a patient's sleeplessness.

Sleep Center patients will find wood floors, comfortable beds with colorful quilts, granite counters, and a flat screen television to ease the transition.

The Sleep Disorders We Treat

When you are deprived of sleep, your whole body suffers. Do not disservice yourself by trivializing the damage sleep deprivation can do. You can and should seek professional medical attention when sleep disorders prevent you from getting a good night’s rest.

Common signs you may need to see a doctor for sleep treatment:

  • It regularly takes longer than an hour to fall asleep, even in a comfortable environment
  • You wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back asleep
  • Someone has noticed you snore abnormally loud or stop breathing while sleeping
  • You feel fatigued throughout the day, but at night you feel energetic and cannot sleep

Lack of threat can result in depression, moodiness, cardiovascular disease, and more. These conditions can cause high blood pressure and may be life threatening. When in doubt as to whether or not you have a sleep disorder, visit a doctor. They can perform tests to diagnose if your condition is a sleep disorder, or something else.

These conditions can have serious side effects, but by working with a sleep medicine professional you can come up with an effective treatment plan.