Primary Areas of Support

Your generous gifts to Carteret Health Foundation provide funding to benefit Carteret Health’s patients, their families and staff.

“Our lives rely on our local health care system. We want a best-in-class hospital with caring and skilled staff. To make that happen, we need to become involved.” Don & Leigh Kirkman

Our Current Focus; The Accelerated Cancer Campaign

The $10 million Accelerated Cancer Care Campaign seeks community participation to expand and enhance Carteret Health Care's medical and radiation oncology programs by building the new Radiation Oncology Center and renovating the Medical Oncology Cancer Center.

To read more on this exciting project, please visit the Cancer Campaign page.

Where Needed Most

Funds can be used for any need. Especially those that meet an unexpected need. The Foundation Board of Directors votes on these expenditures to make sure the purchase is in line with the hospital’s mission

"My donation will matter to someone I may know or don’t know. Hospitals are integral to the community, expensive to staff and maintain. Maybe my small donation can help take some of that burden away.” Barbara Holzapfel


Assist with bereavement programs, provide sitter services so caregivers can have a much-needed break or provide funding for necessities to assist with end of life care.

“I watched my two sisters receive such loving care from Hospice. I may need help also as I am 87 years old. Marcella M. Siegwarth.

Palliative Care

Provides for patients and their families with chronic illness. Palliative care specializes in medical care that focuses on providing patients relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness no matter the diagnosis or stage of the disease.

“I’ve lived here for 40 plus years, I feel it is important to support our local hospital. As we age, we hope that our local hospital will continue to grow and support us with great medical care. Ruth Yearick-Jones.

Other Cancer Services

Funds are used to help cancer patients in a variety of ways. Purchase equipment, help patients, or fund cancer programs that are not covered anywhere else.

“My husband received excellent care at the Cancer Center, and I think of all the compassionate people who work there. Hopefully my donation goes to whatever they may need.” Christine A. Bryk


  • Gainey Endowment for Behavioral Health
  • Duke Endowment for population health needs
  • Golden Leaf Endowment for disaster hazard mitigation
  • Jones Endowment to provide medical care in the western part of Carteret County.
  • Seal Endowment for Breast Cancer

“Seeing and hearing about the many positive experiences our community has to say about Carteret Health Care inspired me to give.” Jean Caldwell

Special Event

Special Events are a fun way to participate while helping others.

“As full-time resident in Morehead City, we want to support quality health care. The Gala was a fun way for us to donate and have a great evening of food, fun and dancing.” Jane Domer

Evelyn’s Closet

Provide clothes for those patients, who would otherwise leave in paper scrubs because their clothes were rendered unusable.

“My mother, Evelyn Wegman, received cancer treatment there and she adored everyone at Carteret Health Care who gave her comfort. Evelyn’s Closet, which furnishes clothes to patients who are discharged and are in need of clothing to wear home, was a passion of my mother’s. We will continue to honor her with continued support of that fund especially on Mother’s Day and her Birthday.” Cynthia &. Van Salter.

Inpatient Benevolent Fund

Helps patients after a hospital stay to improve healthy outcomes. Supply food vouchers, construction of ramps, purchase car seats. These are just a few examples of what this fund may cover.

“Both of our parents have spent time in your hospital at the end of their lives. We were so impressed with the nursing care. We are a growing community and we want the hospital to be successful.” William N. & Penelope A. Keadey.

Joan Lamson Cancer Benevolent Fund

Helps individual cancer patients so they can concentrate on their treatments. Examples of this are travel expenses for second opinions or local appointments. Utility bills so that they will not be turned off. Food and some medications.

Other unique needs that assist our patients while fighting cancer.

“We have a responsibility to ensure a healthier and hopeful future for our community.” Joan Lamson


Anything not covered by the other funds. Or a special project we are working on.