Corporate Compliance

The Corporate Compliance Program of Carteret Health Care is designed to maintain a culture within the hospital organization that promotes prevention, detection and resolution of instances of conduct that don’t conform to governmental laws, accrediting body regulations, and hospital ethical and business policies. It’s expected of all hospital employees, divisions, agents, vendors and contractors to comply with all the applicable laws and with hospital policies and procedures related to compliance.

The Federal False Claims Act established under sections 3729- 3733 Title 31 of the United States Code (whistle blower protection) encourages reporting of fraud, abuse, false claims or any other violation and ensures no recrimination. Penalties for violating the Federal False Claims act may be up to three times the value of the false claim, plus fines.

Compliance concerns or violation of law, hospital rules regulation should be reported directly to the Compliance Officer 252-499-6106 or the Hospital “Integrity Line” 252-499-6101.

The hospital is committed to protecting the privacy of every patient’s health information and has adopted numerous policies and procedures as well as the mandates of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Actual or suspected violation of patient confidentiality may be reported to the Hospital’s HIPAA Privacy Officer 252-499-6705.

Training and Education is provided to all employees through employee orientation and our annual competency process. Compliance information is available to all vendors and contractors through the Director of Materials Management. 252-499-6109.